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Author Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklists

  • For original submissions, refer to this checklist.
  • For resubmissions (revise & resubmits), refer to this checklist.
  • For final version submissions, refer to this checklist.

General Information

Submissions to CL may be made in any of the following categories: Papers (Long and Short), Survey Articles, Squibs and Discussions, and Last Words. We also publish Book Reviews. Please indicate type of article when you submit.

  • Long Papers - 25+ pages in length
  • Short Papers - 15-25 pages in length
  • Survey Proposals - up to 4 pages
  • Survey Articles - up to 25-40 pages
  • Squib Articles - up to 8 pages
  • Last Words - up to ~10 pages
  • Lifetime Achievement (contact Editor-in-Chief)

Manuscripts for Computational Linguistics should be submitted in a PDF file, formatted single-spaced in accordance with our Style Guidelines, including an abstract. The title, authors' names and abstract should also be provided separately in a text file, with the contact author's email address clearly indicated. Manuscripts must be written in English.

Long Paper - Papers report significant new research results in computational linguistics. Submissions under this category are typically between 25 and 40 journal pages in length. Longer papers might, for example, describe the results of a large research project or dissertation. Each paper is reviewed by at least two experts in the field; all submissions, regardless of length, will be held to the same standards of technical and presentation quality.

Short Paper - Papers report significant new research results in computational linguistics. Short papers are up to 25 pages in length and might contain a description of a single experiment, algorithm, or other technical result. All submissions, regardless of length, will be held to the same standards of technical and presentation quality.

Survey Article -  Survey Articles either provide a survey of the state of the art in a subfield of computational linguistics, allowing researchers to keep abreast of areas outside their main focus, and providing good starting points for those such as new doctoral students; or survey literature at the interfaces of the CL community, but not well represented in the CL journal, thus introducing relevant peripheral research to the journal's readership. Prospective authors of survey articles should first submit a summary proposal: see our Guidelines for Submission of Survey Articles for more details.

Last Words - In each issue of the journal we reserve a small number of pages for a personal opinion or provocative perspective on some aspect of the field of computational linguistics. You can see all previous Last Words pieces here. Contact the Editor directly if you are interested in submitting such a piece.  Page length: up to 10 pages in length.

Squibs and Discussions - This category is reserved for very short articles that constitute more than programmatic versions of regular papers. Squibs should possess at least one of the following attributes:
*unexpectedness, e.g., a demonstration that a commonly accepted idea or method is flawed;
*genuine novelty, e.g., thus-far unnoticed language data that challenges current methods; and
*being targeted to a large segment of our readership.
*Papers about language resources may be acceptable provided the relevant resources are truly novel and of general interest.
Page length: Submissions must not exceed eight pages of content (with unlimited pages for references).

Submission Preparation Checklist

  • For original submissions, refer to this checklist.
  • For resubmissions (revise & resubmits), refer to this checklist.
  • For final version submissions, refer to this checklist.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.