Revisions and Final/Accepted Submissions Instructions & Checklist

  • For original submissions, refer to this checklist.
  • For final (accepted) version submissions, refer to this checklist.

Revised Submission Bundle must include:

  1. Cover letter indicating
    1. the original action editor(s),
    2. the date of the decision letter
    3. a bulleted list of responses to changes as set forth in the decision letter.
    4. The title and abstract
  2. Copy of the original decision letter, including the original reviews.
  3. Key Words: Please provide 5-10 key words related to your paper; you can enter them in the "Comments for the Editor" section. 
  4. The revision
  5. A copy of the revision with color-coding indicating where the MAJOR changes were made
  6. Upload all of that information under Revisions; then notify: of the submission. If you're having difficulty submitting, just let us know.   


Accepted/Final Version Submission Preparation Checklist and Required Forms 

Please prepare and send the final version bundle directly to: Do not upload.

  1. The subject line should say: "CL final version" and your paper’s submission number.
  2. In the body of your email, list:
  • Action Editor: the name of the action editor who handled the final version
  • Dates (in the format "Month Day, Year"):
    • the dates that you originally submitted
    • date most recent revision was received
    • date submission was accepted
  • Primary Contact Author: name and email of primary contact to receive proofs, etc.
  • Final paper title, capitalizing all major words. Example: “The Life and Times of an Editor-in-Chief”
  • Final paper abstract. Please make sure you don't have line-breaks between lines in the same paragraph.
  • A bulleted list of Changes: If there were lingering issues, please address and list responses to changes/mandates set forth in decision letter. A bulleted list is preferred.
  1. The bundle must include:
  • The (single-spaced) version of your paper, named "####.finalversion.pdf", (where #### is the submission number).
  • A (double-spaced) version of your paper, including the abstract and figure captions, footnotes, bibliography, tables and figures. You can achieve this in the current CL LaTeX style files by using the manuscript argument to the \documentclass command; see the sample file for an example.
  • A zip file containing the complete LaTeX source files (.tex and .bib at minimum) or the final Word file, as well as all figures.
  • The final decision letter sent by the Action Editor, in its entirety (reviews are included as well).
  • A signed copyright form. This may be signed electronically, or it may be printed out, signed, then scanned back to a PDF.


Notify the office directly  ( if you're having difficulty submitting.