Lexicon-Based Methods for Sentiment Analysis


  • Maite Taboada Simon Fraser University
  • Julian Brooke University of Toronto
  • Milan Tofiloski Simon Fraser University
  • Kimberly Voll University of British Columbia
  • Manfred Stede University of Potsdam


We present a lexicon-based approach to extracting sentiment from text. The Semantic Orientation CALculator (SO-CAL) uses dictionaries of words annotated with their semantic orientation (polarity and strength), and incorporates intensification and negation. SO-CAL is applied to the polarity classification task, the process of assigning a positive or negative label to a text that captures the text’s opinion towards its main subject matter. We show that SO-CAL’s performance is consistent across domains and in completely unseen data. Additionally, we describe the process of dictionary creation, and our use of Mechanical Turk to check dictionaries for consistency and reliability.

Author Biographies

  • Maite Taboada, Simon Fraser University
    Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics
  • Julian Brooke, University of Toronto
    Ph.D. candidate, Department of Computer Science
  • Milan Tofiloski, Simon Fraser University
    Ph.D. candidate, School of Computing Science
  • Kimberly Voll, University of British Columbia
    Lecturer, Department of Computer Science
  • Manfred Stede, University of Potsdam
    Professor, Department of Linguistics





Long paper