Semantic Role Labeling of Implicit Arguments for Nominal Predicates


  • Matthew Steven Gerber University of Virginia
  • Joyce Chai Michigan State University


Nominal predicates often carry implicit arguments. Recent work on semantic role labeling has focused on identifying arguments within the local context of a predicate; however, implicit arguments have not been systematically examined. To address this limitation, we have manually annotated a corpus of implicit arguments for ten predicates from NomBank. Through analysis of this corpus, we find that implicit arguments add 71% to the argument structures that are present in NomBank. Using the corpus, we train a discriminative model that is able to identify implicit arguments with an F1 score of 50%, significantly outperforming an informed baseline model. This article describes our investigation, explores a wide variety of features important for the task, and discusses future directions for work on implicit argument identification.

Author Biographies

  • Matthew Steven Gerber, University of Virginia
    Research Assistant Professor, Department of Systems and Information Engineering
  • Joyce Chai, Michigan State University
    Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering





Long paper