On the Complexity of CCG Parsing


  • Marco Kuhlmann Linköping University
  • Giorgio Satta University of Padua
  • Peter Jonsson Linköping University


We study the parsing complexity of Combinatory Categorial Grammar (CCG) in the formalism of Vijay-Shanker and Weir (1994). As our main result, we prove that any parsing algorithm for this formalism will necessarily take exponential time when the size of the grammar, and not only the length of the input sentence, is included in the analysis. This result sets the formalism of Vijay-Shanker and Weir (1994) apart from weakly equivalent formalisms such as Tree-Adjoining Grammar (TAG), for which parsing can be performed in time polynomial in the combined size of grammar and input sentence. Our proof highlights important differences between the formalism of Vijay-Shanker and Weir (1994) and contemporary incarnations of CCG.

Author Biography

  • Marco Kuhlmann, Linköping University
    Department of Computer Science, Associate Professor





Long paper