Associate Professor at the Department of Computer Systems and Languages at the National Distance Education University (UNED), in Madrid, Spain.
Member of the NLP&IR (Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval) group at UNED.
Coordinator of the Master's Degree in Language Technologies, UNED.
To be eligible for presentation (oral or poster) at ACL 2025, CL papers must satisfy both of the following conditions:
Author Registration Fee: At least one author of each accepted paper to an ACL conference (ACL, NAACL, EACL, AACL, or EMNLP) must register their paper to present at the conference.
Exceptions: Accepted Finding that are not being presented. All findings being presented must register their paper. Workshop shared tasked papers do not need to register their paper to present.
Note all Paper registration fees are based on actual hard cost to the conference - In person registration fee reflects the attendees’ hard costs of food & beverage (breaks, welcome reception and social dinner) along with meeting space, av or poster presentation equipment). Virtual attendees’ registration fees reflect the virtual costs (internet, AV, content management, platforms).
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